Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Writers Workshop a *Few* Days Late

Happy Thursday Curious Parents!

Time somehow got away from me this past weekend and I remembered that I was going to post about writers workshop.

I.LOVE.WRITERS WORKSHOP.  It is simply the best time of writing class.  If you walked into my classroom you would see your firstie engaged in some sort of writing piece.  Right now, we are just drawing and labeling things that are important to us, things we love to do, people we love, and places we love to go. Firsties have also been able to write and draw in their journal.  MANY firsties are choosing this option.  There's something so nice about just writing without someone telling you what to write about.  :)

In writers workshop we only have three rules.  You read that right, three!  :)  Our rules are simple, but will be so very important when getting into our writing pieces.  Here are our rules:

They are all equally important in our classroom.  Mrs. Hutchison and I reinforce these rules as our firsties are practicing.  You can definitely talk about these rules in your home and maybe even modify them to fit your needs.  I'm already thinking I could do this with my own girls. 

Rule #1:  Children treat their tools with care.
Rule #2:  Children play in a quiet environment (So their momma can think!)  :)
Rule #3:  Children ALWAYS clean up!

What do you think?  How could you use these rules or change them for your house?

Mrs. Eshman
read more "Writers Workshop a *Few* Days Late"

Monday, September 8, 2014

You're Invited!!!

We're inviting Parents ONLY to our Ice Cream with a Sprinkle of Curriculum night.  Yes we will be serving ice cream with your choice of sprinkles! :)  mmmmm........ 
read more "You're Invited!!!"

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Whole Body Listening

Today we talked about using our bodies to be a Whole Body Listener.  This is something you could easily incorporate at home with your child/children.  :)                  

Here's to better listeners!
Mrs. Eshman
read more "Whole Body Listening"

Friday, July 4, 2014

Summer Experiment... with Popsicles!

I don't know about you, but I'm wondering where June went. :)  So last week the girls and I were enjoying some popsicles on a hot day and it popped into Sici's head to do and experiment.  She wanted to know if a darker popsicle would melt BEFORE a lighter colored popsicle. 

Now, this experiment was easy and cost us nothing because we already had the popsicles.  :)  LOVE this part. 

First, we made a few predictions.  Our oldest, Sici, predicted the darker popsicle would melt first because she read it in a book.  Our middle daughter, Amelia, went with the lighter color popsicle.  And of course the spitting image of our oldest , Bridgette, chose the darker one as well.  I tell you, those two are like two peas in a pod.  We also discussed the conditions and where we would put the popsicles.  We went with HOT and we put them on the driveway, in the sun.  Then, we played and worked a little, occasionally checking on them. 
The outcome... the darker popsicle melted just a pinch faster than the lighter popsicle.  The best part of this experiment is that we were able to refreeze the popsicles and enjoy them later in the day! :)
Have you done any experiments this summer?  Let us know about them!
Be curious today!

read more "Summer Experiment... with Popsicles!"

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Summer Break

Summer break is a lot less stressful in many ways in our house.  However, it also adds a different kind of stress.  Some days, I want nap time to come at 8:00 a.m. and other days it's ok that nap time never comes. :)  Here's a few things we've been doing.

 Hanging around at the playground.

Playing the xylophone and puppet shows.

 Math time on the computer and tablet as well as forts in the front room.  Reading goes on in there too, but it gets a little too crowded with three girls under those blankets. :) 
What have you been up to this summer? 
Mrs. Eshman 

read more "Summer Break"

Friday, May 30, 2014


I hope you and your future firstie are super excited about the summer!  Summer.....  I completely LOVE summer because I get to be with my girls (we have 3), hang out at the pool, I'd love to say sleep late, but our girls are early risers, and just have a more relaxed schedule.  I do LOVE the school year though.  My brain has been turning and turning already thinking about things we can do for next year.  Mrs. Hutchison and I do a LOT of texting and talking about the future school year starting in like... April or May. :)  We know, we know. 
So, tonight the youngest and I are watching for like the billionth time!  I do love how we can talk about the message for love of family, and more importantly sisterly love, when watching this movie.  We also have discussions about how to treat others because of how Hans treats Anna.  Have you had those discussions with your firsties yet? 
Do you have any other movies you watch with your children that have an important message?  We'd love to hear from you!

Here's to movies in the summertime and treating our friends and family nicely.
Mrs. Eshman