Thursday, October 25, 2012

Falling for the Number 9

Busy week in our first grade world!  Our firsties have been working hard on combinations of 9.  Miss Kauffeld helped our Green Chimps create fall trees with two colored leaves.  They worked as a team to make their trees and write their combinations of 9.

We also read two of my favorite books this week: Bit By Bit and Joseph Had a Little Overcoat.

We compared these two stories and what a great job our firsties did!

Then our students made Zundel's vest.  They decorated it with pieces to make combinations of 9.

Our students worked hard this week!  Looking forward to more great weeks!

Mrs. Hutchison
read more "Falling for the Number 9"

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ladybug Combinations!

This week our little firsties have started to really work on making their own combinations, or math equations. Miss Kauffeld created some super cute ladybugs to teach this combining skill.

What a great job they did on making combinations of 7!
This week our firsties will start working on combinations of 9 in a spidery kind of way!  Can't wait to see what our curious mathematicians come up with!

Mrs. Hutchison
read more "Ladybug Combinations!"

Monday, October 15, 2012

Just a Little Sequence

Mrs. Eshman read a book today by one of my favorite authors and illustrators, Simms Taback.  I think that it is the way that he creates his pictures that draws me in.


The one that was read today is a favorite by many of our firsties.

Our firsties were reading along with Mrs. Eshman, laughing at the illustrations, and explaining why it was a fantasy story.  It was exciting to see how engaged the students were!

After the reading, each student created their own "little old lady" and sequenced the animals that she ate.

What a great start to the week!

Mrs. Hutchison

read more "Just a Little Sequence"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Picture Day, Rubrics and Checklists, and Volunteers?? OH MY!

Happy Wednesday!

I love picture day.  Seeing your little firsties all dressed up gives me the grins.  :)  Thank you for your extra efforts this morning to be sure hair was combed, clothes were ironed, teeth were brushed, breakfast was had, and everyone was packed up and out the door on time! :) 

In writing, we've been working VERY hard on adding details to our writing, including adjectives (describing words) and verbs (action words).  We are nearing the time when we are going to start editing our stories for publication.  You may have seen a few stories starters come home this week.  We are calling those our "dud" stories.  This is because these are stories your firstie was not "in love" with and felt like he/she didn't want to write anymore on them.  It's so powerful to see your firsties choosing what he/she WANTS to write about instead of me telling them what they are going to write about.  Here is the checklist we are going to be using as well as the rubric I will use to grade your firsties writing. 

Is there anyone out there who would like to volunteer in our writing class??????  I'm not looking for a full day commitment, more like a half hour to an hour.  You will be meeting with one firstie at a time to listen to him/her read their writing creations to you.  You may also be offering suggestions, pointing out the need for punctuation or capitalization.  Do I have you hooked?????  I will meet with you prior to any volunteering.

If you are fingerprinted and interested, please contact Mrs. Eshman at . :)

Here are the times for consistent help I'm looking to fulfill. 
Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday 10:20-11:00  or   11:40-12:15

Please remember to send in your Spirit Cup orders as soon as possible. 

Have a Curious Thursday!
Mrs. Eshman
read more "Picture Day, Rubrics and Checklists, and Volunteers?? OH MY!"

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Chill is in the Air....

This chill means coats are necessary!!!!  :)  With that being said, we have accumulated many light weight jackets outside of our classrooms.  If you think your firstie is the owner of one, please feel free to remind him/her to pick it up!  :)

For now, your firstie will travel with his/her coat until we figure out a better system.  Right now, our procedure is that your firstie puts his/her jacket on the back of his/her chair.  We know it's not the best, but with changing classes, we weren't sure the best way to tackle this.  Do you have any better ideas for us???  We are all ears.  :)

Just a reminder that picture day is Wednesday!  We're looking forward to seeing all our firstie smiles. 
Early Release is next Wednesday, October 17th.  If you are needing childcare, a paper will be coming home in our Thursday folders. 

If you have ANY questions or needs, please feel free to contact any us.  Also, if you have any ideas to make this site better we'd love any suggestions!

Thanks for checking in on us!
Your Curious Teachers
read more "A Chill is in the Air...."

Monday, October 1, 2012


Welcome to our Curious Parents website.  We hope you will find most everything you need here.  If there is something we've missed, please feel free to contact us at any time! 

We have enjoyed all the time we have spent with your precious little firsties.  Each and everyone of them are making such great gains, we are super excited about all this progress.  It's hard to believe that it's already October!  My how the time flies.  :)

October is going to be full of great things! Check back often or follow us by email to get our updates as soon as we post.  We will try to keep up with adding pictures and student work for you to see and be proud of. 

Be Curious Today!

Your Curious Teachers
read more "Welcome!"