Happy Thursday Curious Parents!
Time somehow got away from me this past weekend and I remembered that I was going to post about writers workshop.
I.LOVE.WRITERS WORKSHOP. It is simply the best time of writing class. If you walked into my classroom you would see your firstie engaged in some sort of writing piece. Right now, we are just drawing and labeling things that are important to us, things we love to do, people we love, and places we love to go. Firsties have also been able to write and draw in their journal. MANY firsties are choosing this option. There's something so nice about just writing without someone telling you what to write about. :)
In writers workshop we only have three rules. You read that right, three! :) Our rules are simple, but will be so very important when getting into our writing pieces. Here are our rules:
They are all equally important in our classroom. Mrs. Hutchison and I reinforce these rules as our firsties are practicing. You can definitely talk about these rules in your home and maybe even modify them to fit your needs. I'm already thinking I could do this with my own girls.
Rule #1: Children treat their tools with care.
Rule #2: Children play in a quiet environment (So their momma can think!) :)
Rule #3: Children ALWAYS clean up!
What do you think? How could you use these rules or change them for your house?
Mrs. Eshman