This chill means coats are necessary!!!! :) With that being said, we have accumulated many light weight jackets outside of our classrooms. If you think your firstie is the owner of one, please feel free to remind him/her to pick it up! :)
For now, your firstie will travel with his/her coat until we figure out a better system. Right now, our procedure is that your firstie puts his/her jacket on the back of his/her chair. We know it's not the best, but with changing classes, we weren't sure the best way to tackle this. Do you have any better ideas for us??? We are all ears. :)
Just a reminder that picture day is Wednesday! We're looking forward to seeing all our firstie smiles.
Early Release is next Wednesday, October 17th. If you are needing childcare, a paper will be coming home in our Thursday folders.
If you have ANY questions or needs, please feel free to contact any us. Also, if you have any ideas to make this site better we'd love any suggestions!
Thanks for checking in on us!
Your Curious Teachers